About Women in Art 2023

On March 8 it's International Women's Day.For Kiekie Art, creative platform of FotoLabkiekie, the reason to go all out in March with art project Women in Art 2023.A program to increase the opportunities for equality of women in the arts.This project - with international allure - is fully blossoming in Amsterdam West and is a collaboration with 10 female curators, UN Women, WePresent by WeTransfer and Stadsdeel West.Kiekie Art presents: Women in Art 2023.Via www.snapshot art.com, selected female artists offer a varied range of images.15% of the proceeds from this online print sale will go to UN Women.The rest of the proceeds go to the female creator.
Of priceless value
Female artists will still be undervalued in 2023, according to research by o.aOxford University and Erasmus University.For example, art by female artists fetches an average of 42% less at auctions than that of their male colleagues, and female artists earn an average of 1/3 less on an annual basis than their male colleagues.* Denise Woerdman of Kiekie Art: “We think it is high time to dedicate ourselves to the beautiful art that our female colleagues create, by giving them a separate platform with Women in Art.”
“Museums full of women's art, please” - Cathelijne Blok, The Tittymag
Big party in De Hallen Studios
On 24 and 25 March, an extensive exhibition will be organized highlighting female creative talent.This exhibition also coincides with the 10th anniversary of Kiekie Tabloid: a photography platform founded with the aim of informing, inspiring and motivating.Kiekie has asked 10 prominent women from the creative field at home and abroad to nominate 2 female artists as guest curators.These 20 have been supplemented with the female artists on www.snapshot art.comA total of no fewer than 45 female artists.
The guest curators are: Eva de Vos (Chief of image editors, Het Parool), Monique Bleeker (co-founder of LINDA.Magazine), Caroline Hunter (award winning photo editor The Guardian, London), Claudia Hinterseer (founder NOOR Agency), Suzanne Tromp (Senior Art and Photography Editor WePresent at WeTransfer), Cathelijne Blok (The TittyMag), Marloes Heineke (freelance photographer and photo editor ), Ilvy Njiokiktjien (independent photojournalist and multimedia maker), Birgit Donker (director of the Nederlands Fotomuseum) and Hedy van Erp (founder of the first photo agency in the Netherlands).
Grand opening with Geraldine Kemper
Geraldine Kemper will open the exhibition on March 24 in the Hallen Studios and will also post her final photo from the TV program 'Het Perfecte Plaatje' online on kiekie-art.com auction.In this way, the highest bidder directly contributes to the mission of highlighting women's rights and female talent in art.On March 25, the extensive public program will start in the Hallen Studios at 10 a.m. with o.aWorkshops (Eizo and Canon), inspiring lectures, portfolio reviews and much more.The public program is accessible to everyone.
Final Photo Geraldine Kemper 'The Perfect Picture'
Mercator Square
In addition to this exhibition on March 24 and 25, an outdoor exhibition will also be organized on Mercatorplein in Amsterdam West, which will be open to the public throughout March.The opening of this will take place on March 8 at 17:00, which will be introduced by District Chairman Fenna Ulichki.The images of this have been curated by 'Women of West'.About 10 enterprising women from Amsterdam West who have entered into a dialogue about the art they have been presented with.Kiekie hopes to stimulate conversation at street level and make art more accessible to a wider audience.
Online limited edition print sale
During the whole month of March, all artists will offer 2 sculptures for sale on www.snapshot art.com: a total of 90 works of art.This is a varied offer that runs from photography to illustration art.15% of the proceeds from this online print sale will go to UN Women: a task force of the United Nations that is committed to the equal rights of women.The rest of the proceeds go to the female creator.View all works on kiekie-art.com
Would you like to celebrate the anniversary of Kiekie Tabloid and the opening of Women in Art with us? Register here: EXPOSITION OPENING 24 MARCH
You can register for the exhibition and the public program at fotolabkiekie.com/womenin-art
*Source: ABN AMRO and Women Inc., A still untold story